
teenage skincare

  • The Dirty Dozen: Cosmetic Ingredients To Avoid

    So there you have it! The ‘Dirty Dozen’ list of cosmetic ingredients you should avoid when selecting your skincare products! By avoiding these ingredients you will reduce your risk of exposure to potentially hazardous chemicals while still getting the results you want from your cosmetics routines! Be sure to always read product labels before purchasing any new beauty products so you know exactly what ingredients are being used! Doing this will ensure your safety while still allowing you enjoy all of the benefits that come with using quality skincare products!
  • How to Choose the Right Dermatologist for You

    Choosing the right dermatologist is an important decision. Keep these factors in mind as you search for a dermatologist that you can trust with your skin care needs. With a little bit of research, you’re sure to find the perfect fit!
  • A Comprehensive Skincare Routine for Teenagers

    These three steps form the foundation for any successful skincare routine but there are also plenty of other products available on the market such as exfoliants, masks, toners etc., which can help address more specific concerns like acne or dullness. Keep in mind that everyone has different needs when it comes to their skincare routine so listen to what works best for YOUR skin because ultimately YOU know best! With this simple guide as a starting point, you'll be well on your way towards achieving beautiful glowing skin!