

  • Two Year Anniversary

    As we look back on the last two years, we’re grateful for the support of our customers, the dedication of our team, and the partnerships we’ve built along the way. We’re thrilled to have made such an impact in the beauty community in such a short amount of time, and we couldn’t have done it without all of you. Again thank you and HAPPY TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY <3
  • Mastering Self-Love: My Top Tips to Embrace and Nurture Yourself

    Unlocking and embracing the power of self-love has the potential to profoundly transform our lives, from the way we interact with others to our overall mental and emotional health. Remember that you are deserving of love, respect, and joy – and that starts from within. As you explore and incorporate these tips on your journey to self-love, be patient with yourself, for true growth unfolds over time. Embrace your unique qualities, nurture your soul with positivity and self-care, and watch as you blossom into the radiant, self-loving individual you were always meant to be.
  • How Often Should You Exfoliate?

    At the end of the day, how often you should exfoliate comes down to personal preference — some people prefer daily exfoliation while others might prefer weekly or even monthly sessions! However, it’s important to remember that no matter how often you choose to exfoliate, make sure that you do so gently and always use products specifically designed for your particular skin type in order to avoid any potential irritation. With these tips in mind, we hope this article has helped answer the question "how often should I exfoliate?" Happy scrubbing!
  • Perfectly Hydrated Skin in 10 Simple Steps

    Following these simple steps, you can easily achieve perfectly hydrated skin! Just remember to start with a clean slate, use products specifically designed for dry or sensitive skin, and drink plenty of water! And as always, consult with a dermatologist if you have any concerns about caring for your specific skin type