

  • Uneven Skin Tone: causes and treatments

    Most people have uneven skin tone to some degree - but what exactly causes it? In most cases it's simply a matter of genetics or pigmentation. However, there are a few things - like sun exposure or hormonal changes - that can cause uneven skin tone as well. Fortunately, there are treatments available - both topical and professional - that can help improve your complexion!
  • 3 Things Vitamin C Does for Your Skin

    There you have it! These are just a few of the ways that vitamin C can benefit your skin. If you're looking for a serum to add to your skincare routine, be sure to check out our selection of Auraiha products. All of our products contain high-quality ingredients that are designed to give you the best results possible. Thanks for reading!
  • How to Choose the Right Moisturizer for Your Face

    There are a lot of different factors to consider when choosing a face cream, but the most important one is your individual skin type. Once you know what kind of cream will work best for your complexion, the rest is easy! Just pick one of the products we've recommended above and get ready to enjoy softer, smoother, more hydrated skin.
  • Niacinamide: The All-Around Skincare Superstar

    If you're looking for an all-around powerhouse ingredient for your skincare routine, look no further than niacinamide. This Vitamin B3 derivative does everything from brightening skin tone to reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It's also gentle enough for even the most sensitive skin types! So, what are you waiting for? Incorporate niacinamide into your skincare routine today and start reaping the amazing benefits!