

  • How to Avoid Unwanted Reactions to Skincare Products

    There's no doubt about it: dealing with an adverse reaction to a skincare product is never fun. But by being aware of potential allergens and patch-testing new products before using them liberally all over your face, you can help ensure that your complexion stays happy and healthy. And remember—even non-irritating products need time to adjust once they've been introduced into your routine—so don't expect miracles overnight!
  • Skincare by Age - You're Never Too Old to Start!

    No matter what age you are, it's never too late to start taking care of your skin! A simple skincare routine of cleansing, protecting with sunscreen, and exfoliating once or twice a week can do wonders for your complexion. And don't forget the eye cream!
  • Alcohol in Skincare: The Facts

    The type of alcohol used in a skincare product determines its purpose. There are three main types of alcohols used in skincare: fatty alcohols, SD alcohols, and denatured alcohols.
  • Dehydrated Skin: What is It and How to Fix It

    Dehydrated skin is definitely not fun—but luckily, it’s pretty easy to fix! Just remember to stay hydrated from the inside out by drinking lots of water and avoiding diuretic beverages. In terms of topical treatments, look for products containing hyaluronic acid or glycerin, use a product with SPF during the day, and apply a nourishing night cream before bed. Do all of those things and we guarantee you’ll wake up with radiant, hydrated skin!