

  • What is an occlusives for skincare?

    Occlusive ingredients are a great way to keep your skin hydrated and protected from environmental aggressors. If you're looking for an ingredient that can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, look no further than an occlusives!
  • Green Tea in Skincare – The benefits of using products with this natural ingredient

    You may have seen green tea in a variety of skincare products and wondered why it’s included. Is it just another fad? What are the benefits of using green tea in skincare? We’re here to give you the scoop on this popular natural ingredient so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not it’s right for your skin type and needs.
  • Cucumber in Skincare - More Than Just a Pretty Face

    Cucumbers are more than just a refreshing addition to your summertime picnic spread - they also offer numerous benefits for your skin! If you're looking for a way to naturally improve your skin's appearance, try incorporating cucumber-infused products into your skincare routine.
  • Everything You Need to Know About Humectants

    Humectants are a type of ingredient commonly found in skincare products that help to draw moisture from the air and onto the skin. There are a few benefits to using humectants in your skincare routine, such as improved hydration and reduced fine lines and wrinkles. However, there are also some drawbacks, such as increased sensitivity to sunlight and potential for drying out the skin. Overall, humectants can be beneficial for some people but may not be right for everyone. It's always important to do your own research before incorporating new products or ingredients into your skincare routine.