
building a product

  • How To Layer Your Skincare Products Like A Pro

    Skincare layering is an important part of any beauty routine. By layering your products in the proper order, you can maximize their efficacy and see better results. But with so many products on the market, it can be hard to know where to start.
  • The Art of Skincare Product Reviews

    No matter what kind of skincare products you are looking for, taking some time to research thoroughly can help ensure that whatever products you buy are perfect for your needs and budget. By following these steps—knowing your skin type, reading reviews from people with similar skin types, and paying attention to ingredients—you will be able to make informed decisions about which skincare products are best suited for keeping your complexion healthy and beautiful!
  • 3 Things Vitamin C Does for Your Skin

    There you have it! These are just a few of the ways that vitamin C can benefit your skin. If you're looking for a serum to add to your skincare routine, be sure to check out our selection of Auraiha products. All of our products contain high-quality ingredients that are designed to give you the best results possible. Thanks for reading!
  • The Great Skincare Debate: Face Toner vs. Liquid Exfoliant

    When it comes to skincare, there are a million different products on the market, all claiming to be the best at some aspect of cleansing, toning, or moisturizing your skin. It can be hard to keep track of what does what, and even harder to decide which products are worth your hard-earned money. Today, we're going to settle one of the great skincare debates: face toner vs. liquid exfoliant. Read on to find out which product is right for you!